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Good Company Sweetens the Tea

Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time the comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company. ~Author Unknown
Don't you love things that come in a tin?
Today, we had a friend for tea. This is currently one of my favorite drinks; I like it iced. It does have a citrus taste, and is a bit mild. Personally, I enjoy unsweetened tea, especially if it is served with sweets.
Once, I read a book by the Duchess wherein she said that she did not understand how Americans can drink tea from bags because it ruins the flavor. My brother-in-law also claims that loose tea is better. I don't have a strong preference but when I bought this tea at my local tea shop, it only came loose, so the lady there recommended T-Sacs, which are empty tea bags. You can put as much tea in it as you want, if you prefer a stronger brew, or are making a larger pot. Well, there you go; I am still drinking my tea from paper bags. I guess that's why it makes no difference to me.

On the other hand, I asked my British friend, Melanie, if she agreed with the Duchess. Mel said she did not mind tea bags, but she doesn't understand why American restaurants serve tea with water that is tepid. She said it must be boiling hot in order to really bring out the flavor. I started waiting until after my kettle actually whistles to remove it from the stove, and I have found that she is right.

However you take your tea, it is nice to share it with some little friends. You might be surprised how well a little boy can behave if he is at a tea party.

You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me. ~C.S. Lewis


  1. I agree with your friend - boiling water is a must. Microwaving is just criminal when it comes to making a proper cup of tea! Thanks for visiting my blog - to answer your question about the visitors you can go to and set up a meter to track your visitors. I'm sure there are other meters too but that's the only one I know of. Love your blog!

  2. I thought someone told me you were not supposed to boil the water, just get it to the point where it is almost boiling. I don't really know though. Thanks for your post though, it reminded me to go see if the tea shop has any Barry's Tea. We like it hot and for making the sun tea and we are almost out.

  3. I like the picture.

    I like a solid black tea like English or Irish Breakfast tea's. I also like plain o' Liptons. Can't stand Earl Gray though, tastes damp and clamy to me.

    I bought some yummy looking Irish Breakfast but I am waiting for the perfect cool morning in the fall to break it out. Just a littel something to look forward too.

  4. Hi! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I love that log cabin quilt too. I am very partal to blue. I hope to have that finished up real soon. I have the penquin flannel quilt at the botton of my bed right now for just that reason! LOL


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