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At Our House

This week: 
my lilac is budding, and I'm hoping this is the year we see flowers on it.

turkey vultures are circling and my husband could not be more thrilled. 

cats are sleeping on unmade beds.

I've finished my first Christmas gift of the year.  At least, I think it's a Christmas gift, but I'm not totally sure. 
We planted a bunch of seedlings yesterday and are planning our garden. 
I cleaned up my laundry room and you can walk all the way from one side to the other without stepping on any clothes!  Now there is lots of room for me to see all my unfinished projects.
I got to my local yarn shop twice this week, once for a baby shower and once for a book club meeting.  Everyone enjoyed Possession. 
I'm working on two different commissioned knitting pieces. 
I'm mulling over which sewing project I should finish up. 
I have caught some snippets of Rockies games. 

We had a fun day yesterday; one of those plan-as-you-go days that we used to have every weekend when there were two of us.  With a yard, three pets and three little boys, those days are few and far between now.  I think my own personal highlight was wandering in the used bookstore.  I'm thrilled that my boys are enjoying reading.   


  1. Sounds like the perfect weekend so far. Keep it going!

  2. I love plan as-you-go days. We are having one today!

    I think if your new garden spot doesn't work you should consider a community garden. You meet lots of fellow gardeners...

  3. Glad everyone liked Possession. I will have to give it a try. I was happy that I finally got back to the knitting ladies. I still need to get together with you sometime and learn to cable. I think the vultures just stick to your neighborhood, I haven't seen them this way yet.

  4. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend Karen! I can't believe that you've got a Christmas project done already! I always dream that I'll do it, but there seem to be too many other gift-giving occasions all during the year for me to get it all done! Yipee for clean laundry rooms!

  5. Lovely photos, Karen! I'm curious, though, why is your husband glad to see the turkey vultures?!


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