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My kitchen smells like lilacs.

7861 my kitchen smells like lilacs 

Lilacs are something that I spent many adult years without, but now that I have a big, flowery lilac bush in my backyard, it makes me wonder why.  Why did I wait so long to have my own!  My mother-in-law bought this one for me several years ago, and this is the first year that it's been full of flowers.  They smell so fresh, like spring, like childhood, like mothers, like grandmothers.  Like a happy home.  


  1. Our next-door neighbors in Albuquerque had a lilac bush and the scent was wonderful as it wafted into our house. I loved opening the sliding glass door in the evening to get the full effect.

    I don't have one now, but I've been thinking about getting one. I'll have to see if it grows well here, because I haven't seen any in my neighborhood. Your flowers are so lovely!

  2. So so beautiful! Im sure they smell great! This picture looks like something from a magazine!

  3. My lilacs aren't flowering yet, but they should soon! Can't wait to smell them.

  4. Lilacs remind me of my grandmother. She had lots of them at her place when I was growing up. I have one here but lilacs don't do that well in this area. I am looking forward to planting them in Denver!!!

  5. Oh YUM! I LOVE Lilacs! I brought a few miniature blossoms home from my Mom's yesterday and the whole kitchen smells diving. I have both an old-fashioned and some dwarves, but for some reason they're always really late blooming and, at the rate they're going, I think they'll be at their peak when I'm at market. ;-( Your photo is gorgeous!

  6. Gorgeous, Karen! These stand out from my youth, too! I just wish Mr. Squash could stand them inside, but the sneezing takes over!

  7. Karen,
    They are so pretty and have such a fabulous smell. Like you they do remind me of my gran and certainly signify late spring time. Here in Alberta we probably won't have them blooming for another few weeks.
    Sometimes my little students love to bring me in a bundle of lilacs.
    Thanks for sharing your pretty flowers.
    Regards from Western Canada,

  8. Beautiful photo, Karen! I love lilacs :)

  9. Beautiful composition as well - love the green accents! I want a bush of my own as well.


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