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113 pictures in 2013

For the 113-in-2013 photo challenge, I did not manage to get a great shot of each item that I was pleased with.  However, it did inspire me to get out and take pictures of things I would otherwise pass by, and that's the reason I do it.  Here are three of my favorites, all shots which I actually took specifically for this challenge.

#5 one word

#41 trees in a row

#99 somewhere to sit

You can see the whole set here.  I'm pleased that I got as many as I did - 74.  Better than the previous year.  I signed up for the next group, 114 in 2014.  I'm not sure how much I like this list.  In the past year, I found my self struggling to go out and shoot things, like "a baby picture of yourself."  I just don't find much room for creativity there, unless I spend an inordinate amount of time coming up with a crazy concept.  On the other hand, I know it stretches my thinking, and I enjoy the camaraderie of the group.  

One item I struggled with the whole year was 'bird on water.'  I couldn't decide whether to take the straight-forward approach, or whether I should find a more artistic view.  I also don't have a great lens for shooting wildlife.  I did rent a telephoto lens for a wedding in August, and took the opportunity to find some "birds on water."  Here's what I ended up with for my final entry.  

bird on water

I really like the color of the water, as well as the ripple of light on the left side of the frame, and the softness of the gray feathers.  I ended up making a whole set of my 'bird on water' shots.  I would love to know, which one would you have picked?  


  1. I signed up this year for 114 - seems a bit intimidating with all you far more advanced photographers, but I figured it would be a good way to get out there and take more photos than what little I capture with my phone camera. I might need your help uploading them though. :)

  2. I LOVE that "happy" shot -- so creative! And I would have picked the bird photo that you did -- it's just beautiful. Although, the duck butt in the air is pretty great too LOL!

  3. No matter how many or how few pictures you take, they are all a beautiful reflection of life from your eyes, Karen! I definitely would have picked the duck photo!

  4. They are all just beautiful. I love the one you picked.


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