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Donna's Hat

Donna was my mom's friend, but she was my friend, too.  She was an incredible crafter.  She did everything from knit and crochet to ribbon embroidery, beading, and was a beautiful quilter. Quite a collector, she gathered fat quarters, of course, and miniature perfume bottles, Jim Shore figurines, antique hand mirrors, thimbles, and steins.  She was great fun on a shop hop! Her son was my first boyfriend - we were three! 

Donna's mini perfume bottles

In early 2013, Donna passed away from breast cancer.  It was at least her second battle with the disease; she had also had it many years before.  At her funeral, her casket was draped with a gorgeous quilt.

In October of 2013, I had been working with Windy Valley Muskox for a couple of years, and wrote a hat pattern for them in honor of Donna.  I started a post about this, but I just didn't know what to say about Donna.  I did not want to give the impression that I would profit from her family's loss.  And I did not; I did not charge Windy Valley for this pattern, and as was my hope, they donate 100% of the money for this pattern to Halos for Hope.  Even now, four years later, all the money goes to HoH.  As I was combing through unfinished posts, I came across this one, barely started; it is time to get it out there!

Details on the pattern:
Donna's Hat can be purchased at Windy Valley Muskox, here.
This is a pretty basic hat pattern, with some cabling in the brim and the cable up the front, as pictured.
The original sample is knitted on size US6 needles, from one skein of Windy Valley Muskox 100% cashmere, in 3003 Peacock Blue.  Windy Valley now has 11 gorgeous colors of cashmere, including Natural White.  Of course, a "chemo cap" in cashmere is for a special person; or perhaps you will knit it for yourself or a friend, in honor of a special person.  I would love to hear about who you knit it for!

If you would like to donate hats or money to Halos of Hope, I cannot speak highly enough of the founder and this organization.  To learn more, visit their website.

It makes my heart happy to remember Donna, and I appreciate very much that Windy Valley Muskox has been so completely generous with this pattern.  Thank you for reading my little story.



  1. Your blog makes me feel at peace with the world. Donna's hat is so sweet with the cables running around the brim. Wish I was a knitter because I know it would make me feel good just making this one.

  2. Awww, you're such a sweetheart. What a pretty little hat -- I love all those wonderful cables. xo


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