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pattern: Tree Delivery, a hot water bottle wrap

Of the many ways that learning to knit has changed my life, one of the most obvious is through physical warmth.  (I was surprised what a difference a real wool hat made over the cheap imitations I'd been wearing.)  And then, there was the hot water bottle cozy.  After seeing them on Ravelry through the years, I bought the first hot water bottle as a gift for a friend who is always cold.  I thought, maybe I need one, too.  I knit hers a snugly cocoon before giving it, but I never got around to knitting one for mine.  Until now!  

This basic little invention has warmed my bed, my chair, my feet, while I read, knit, sleep; in the car on a cold, early drive, and in a hotel room when my roommate likes the A/C cranked!  I use it when I'm sick, and every now and then, I surrender it to a sick little boy, who humbly asks if he can borrow it "just for one night."  I fold up a woolen blanket and place it under my desk, and throw the hot water bottle on top for hours of warmth while I type, edit, and so on.  On winter days home alone, it's my constant companion.  

It's about time that I knitted a wrap for my favorite foot warmer, a little softer for my feet to rest on than the rubber or plastic of the bottle.  And may I say, much prettier, too!!  Whether traveling to strange lands, or movie night on the couch with people who don't understand why you're always cold, there's something so comforting about having your own little armful of warmth.  And another reason to break out the needles and yarn?  Bonus!  

If you would like to knit this pattern, you can find it on Ravelry - free for a limited time.  More details below:

Pattern link on RavelryTree Delivery
One Size (easily modified, though, and with plenty of stretch)
Yarn: Cascade Yarns' Longwood Sport in 4 Red & 46 Cream
Needles: US4 - 16" or magic loop on 40"

I'm working on a green and white one, next!  


  1. I don't knit, but that's almost enough reason to make me try to learn! Love the many ways you use it.

  2. A beautiful pattern and a delightful story! : )

  3. That's adorable Karen! I'm always cold too -- I probably neeeed a hot water bottle. I love it's little turtleneck too LOL!

  4. Excellent work. I really appreciate to your quality work. I hope for more help best rated hot water bottles will best.


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