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November knitting

Another blogger used to have a monthly "what are you reading, what are you knitting?" post,  but she's moved on to raising new babies.  I'm posting mine today for posterity.  

Before my local yarn shop closed its doors, I bought a bunch of yarn with the intention of making an "advent calendar" of mittens.  I thought I'd make one a week, no problem.  As it turns out, I've gotten more like two a year finished!  One of the reasons I didn't race to the end is because I liked some of the stitch designs more than others.  I knew I would be able to come up with some alternative stitches, but I need to set aside time to modify the charts.  Luckily, I left off the number on the first one, so I've stitched the ones I like, regardless of their order.

Pattern:  Mitten Garland Advent Calendar
Yarn:  Elsbeth Lavold's Silky Wool in 114 Maraschino, 086 Dark Oak, 002 White Sand, and a bit of 083 Sapling Green
Needles:  US1/2.25mm, 40" (I prefer the Magic Loop method for knitting in the round)

Modifications:  Other than the obvious changes to colors and making new charts, I have primarily done a two-color long tail CO, and I continued the patterns on either side through where the number would have been.  Also, on the one with leaves (chart 5, top right in the above picture), I embroidered them instead of knitting the chart, in order to make them look more like little pine boughs.  

It would have been nice to finish these before my kids had outgrown the concept, but I think they will make a lovely garland, nonetheless.  I am also working on a cabled sweater, more on that next time!  

As for reading, I am about halfway through a Richard Jury mystery, The Stargazey, by Martha Grimes.  I've started a dozen other books this year and just can't settle into them, so I finally opted for one of my top mystery authors once more.  

Are you reading or knitting anything good?  Are you finding time for creative endeavors?


  1. Why don't you start your own knitting/stitching and reading follow along, for posterity's sake? I'd join😊.
    I became a member of the local library and I can not believe the amount of mysteries on the shelves! I know I live in a mystery loving area for sure. I have delved into an older author that I found on the shelf, Nevil Shute. So far I have read two of his novels...Pastoral and In the Wet... and I believe there are at least two more on the shelf to read. As for knitting, all handwork is only now having a comeback...finishing a poncho sweater and a pair of socks that have been on my needles for longer than I want to admit.
    Did you get my email letter?

  2. Wow - they're gorgeous! You tackle the hardest tasks and find a way to do them!!

  3. Oh So Pretty! Your mittens will be a beautiful garland, even if you didn't get them done in time for the boys. I had the same problem with my boys -- SO many fun projects, and just couldn't get them done in time. And now, I have the same problem with the girls. If people would just stop being so clever and creating things that I want to make!


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