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Showing posts from June, 2011

BabyPants Arrives!

For anyone wondering, my sister had a baby girl this week!!!  I had to wait until she had a chance to tell a few people before I could post it on my blog.  Baby A came in weighing eight pounds, nine ounces.  From what I hear, she had more hair than her mother did at birth, which isn't saying much :)

A Wren's Nest Farm

Last week my three boys and I went to visit my in-laws down south.  My mother-in-law has been telling me about this farm she likes to visit and while we were nearby, we got a chance to see it for ourselves.  A Wren's Nest Farm is a cute place with lots of flowers, veggies and animals.  And very helpful proprietors!  They have chickens, goats, sheep, pigs, at least one duck, and a couple of rabbits.  We had fun seeing all the animals, and petting a few.  Paul and Tammy offer apprenticeships for people interested in learning about their trade.  I was pleasantly surprised to discover that not only do they raise goats and sheep for fiber, but Tammy also spins, dyes and knits!  She showed us the fiber soaking in her big sink.  There is also a little store on the premises with lots of interesting handmade, vintage, and organic items, including roving, fresh eggs, and handmade soap.  $2 per dozen for farm fresh, organic eggs!...


Today, the boys and I went garage saleing: $ 4     black stool - never enough chairs here.  .50 tin measuring cup 2    pair of license plates and a vintage childrens' book with great illustrations 2    vintage camera, book for #1 boy, and a present - secret, of course! 0    old stereo cabinet 2    three costumes, a pair of shoes, and they threw in a pair of license plates 4    blue jar We started out with everyone wanting to buy everything at every stop but we worked on being savvy junkers and just looking for specific things we collect, we need, we'd really use.  It was fun to see them getting the hang of it:  a book in a series we were already reading, for example.  Pretty good troopers.  We also got strawberry lemonade from a classmate sitting on the corner.  It is our policy to buy lemonade from kids on corners whenever possible.  ...

precious time

are we wasting all our precious time chasing dollars, chasing dimes?

Stuff Here

I recently met someone that BFJ has known since high school.  After exploring his strange and wonderful house, which includes two different pairs of pet pheasants, handcrafted knives, and a treehouse above the roof, I left with a little handful of treasures.  One day they'll adorn some handmade hats:   ï»¿ On a completely different note, the sage is doing wonderfully...  We visited my parents last week, and I had a fun little walk with Zoom and the camera... In the garden at our house, I neglected to harvest this onion from Candace last year; now it's about ready to bloom!   


Don Juan Distant Drums I love the smell of flowers in my garden; especially roses and lilacs.  They remind me of happy childhood moments.

Summer Food

Don't you just love the culinary bounty of summer?  My sister introduced us to Snickers Surprise Fruit Salad awhile back; it's always a hit at potlucks!  Here's what you need to make it. 1 tub of Cool Whip 1 package of instant vanilla pudding 1 Snickers bar* 1 big bowl of seasonal fruit such as berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries), grapes, stone fruits (peaches, nectarines, cherries) apples and pears, kiwi.  Melons and citrus fruits are not ideal.  Rinse fruit and drain thoroughly .  Cut fruit into bite-size pieces and combine in large bowl.  Open pudding mix, discard instructions; stir dry pudding into tub of Cool Whip.  (You may want to do this in a bigger bowl.)  Combine thoroughly.  Stir Cool Whip mixture into fruit, stir well.  Cut Snickers into several small bite-size pieces and stir into salad.  Garnish with additional fruit if desired.  Cover and chill.  Ser...

May Photo Scavenger Hunt

a butterfly a bicycle a red door a cartoon character an emergency vehicle think vintage! something blue - I couldn't choose between the blue flowers and the blue house. a street light texture sign of the zodiac (scorpio) an interesting local building - the Mayan theater, neat on the inside, too. a black and white portrait

June Wedding

I shot a bunch of pictures at a friend's wedding over the weekend.  If you want to see more, I'll post a link to my Flickr set once I get the rest of the pictures posted! here's a link to the set on Flickr: click here .

Denver Chalk Art Festival 2011

Every year there is a chalk art festival in LoDo (lower downtown.)  Often we miss it but this time we caught the very end, which was great for seeing finished pieces.  Unfortunately, there were so many people crowded up next to the edges that we missed several great drawings, trying to manuever through the crowd.  However, I was justified in insisting we catch this when Zoom pulled out his sketch pad when we got home and started drawing. I like how this girl is watching herself being drawn... You could definitely tell who the chalk artists were:  To see my whole set of pictures, check out my flickr set , and while you are there you can type "Denver chalk art" into the Search box and see all the drawings and artists that other people captured.  I especially like the drawing of the cows, there are pictures at several stages, but we didn't see that one while we were there. 

A Tale of Two Ironing Boards

I had two ironing boards, neither of which worked well.  The cover on the one on the left was loose and slid around during ironing.  This is especially frustrating when trying to press sleeves.  The board on the right had a very thin pad and grid marks from the metal would often show up on clothes being pressed.  What happens when you don't have a decent ironing board?  Clothes that need to be ironed pile up until little boys grow out of them!  I finally took a cue from Anna and decided to make my own cover.  I considered the two boards and picked the one that worked better for me (the one that does not screech when being opened!) and measured the length - approximately 56".  I was hoping it would be under 42" so that I would not have to buy so much yardage, but alas! that is not the case.  I went to JoAnn's and perused their decorator weight fabrics - the cheaper ones, not the designer labels, and selected a print I thought would be fun, ...

April Photo Scavenger Hunt

I did not end up with all the pictures for April.  It's shameful, we have a whole month to find them!  When I have missed items from a month, or not been satisfied with the final result, I have continued to look for those items until I have a satisfactory picture.  The only exception was 'lorry (or big truck)' from February.  I just could not sink my imagination into that one.  So without further ado, April... for now. April showers I thought this was going to be a difficult item but as it turned out, we had several rainstorms this past April.  breakfast A leisure Saturday breakfast at LaMar's Donuts; a special treat.  Decisions, decisions... your camera Okay, this should be easy, right?  The mirror shot seemed too obvious, and taking a picture with any other camera means I'm not using the camera I'm shooting.  I couldn't decide how to do this so... it's still on the list.  Yes, I do overthink thi...