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I have been working on lots of projects!
After seeing one of the baskets, someone at the knitting store asked if I could make some knitting needle cases. I can! It is so fun making these little projects; fun to use up my stash and all these great fabrics I've been collecting. It is nice to see them turn into something. I did buy the sock monkey fabric just for this project, but it is the only new fabric I've bought for these. I've made more baskets, too. I am going to some craft/cookie/gift exchanges in December and I know these are going to come in handy at some point. As I may have said before, these little baskets are great for using up scraps that you just couldn't toss.

Last year, I was inspired by Erin's posts* on handmade gifts and am making a lot more this year. (Don't worry, not everyone is getting a hat!) I have a little list of projects I can work on over the next month. I am happy to report that I revisited the gift that went horribly wrong, and the second version turned out much better! You'll have to wait til after Christmas for a picture.

With all this work going on, I have had to set up a permanent work station, as opposed to the kitchen table, which is used for practically every meal. I rearranged some things in the laundry room downstairs. It is a cold, cement room with less than ideal lighting, but it is nice to have my own spot. And especially nice to be able to leave the sewing machine out. I know it is ready at a moment's notice. At times it is kind of dungeon-y, but Christmas music adds a little warmth.

AND! My aunt wrote asking if I needed a zoom lens; she knew someone who was getting rid of it, and she thought it would fit my camera. I was happy to accept it. My camera came with a 25mm - 75mm lens, and this "new" one is 75mm - 300mm. I am excited to use it, although I haven't found a need for it yet; this chilly weather has kept me close to my subjects the last few days. But who knows when I'll need it, and I'll be ready!

*I tried to link to Erin's posts but had a problem so here's what you do: click on House on Hill Road in my list of blogs, go to archives and look at January 2008. It's worth your time to see the blown glass ornaments her girls made for her!


  1. Such a cute sock monkey roll! I also love the basket.

  2. How neat that you can use up some fabric for those baskets--never thought about them for knitting needles, but hey, it works!

    I think you need to string up some Christmas lights in your little dungeon!

  3. Basement space is great! I like the Christmas lights idea. Also, you can get a candle cooker and make it smell wonderful! But be careful leaving the boys alone upstairs for too long! LOL! Love your bag. I really need to make one or two!

  4. Hi Karen - been out of "internet-touch" for 4 days - just catching up! I love the monkey rolls....I know a ton of knitters who would love one - have you thought of going into the pattern making biz - you would be great! Cheers!

  5. After the holiday season, maybe you can warm up that area in the basement with some paint & lighting and have a real work area. It would be fun planning it.


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