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April Photo Scavenger Hunt

I did not end up with all the pictures for April.  It's shameful, we have a whole month to find them!  When I have missed items from a month, or not been satisfied with the final result, I have continued to look for those items until I have a satisfactory picture.  The only exception was 'lorry (or big truck)' from February.  I just could not sink my imagination into that one.  So without further ado, April... for now.

April showers
I thought this was going to be a difficult item but as it turned out, we had several rainstorms this past April. 

A leisure Saturday breakfast at LaMar's Donuts; a special treat.  Decisions, decisions...

your camera
Okay, this should be easy, right?  The mirror shot seemed too obvious, and taking a picture with any other camera means I'm not using the camera I'm shooting.  I couldn't decide how to do this so... it's still on the list.  Yes, I do overthink things quite often.  That's why I tell long stories.

a set of keys
I looked up the April list while I was at my sister's house and she immediately said she had a set of keys I could shoot.  These keys belonged to my grandpa, Eldred, and I'm sure he actually knew what they went to at one time! 

an interesting shop name
I could not decide what "interesting" meant so I landed on this as I was walking by one day. 

a cross
Or several.  We went to a mediavel / Scottish sort of event that had lots of Celtic crosses everywhere, but that was too easy.  I had to think outside the box!

a church
As many churches as I drive by in a given week, this should be another easy one but again, that was too easy.  There are several churches in the Denver area that I'd love to shoot but sometimes you just can't pull over to take pictures.  This one was on my list, also, and I was going to be in the relative neighborhood.  It is St. Malo's Catholic Church in Allenspark, Colorado.  I visited it with Aunt Banana and Uncle Radish! 

I noticed that my neighbor had decorated her tree, just as I was on the hunt for some eggs!

something yellow
Finally, my own daffodils.  

a sculpture
Somehow, I just did not have this on my radar.  Still on the list.

something to do with Shakespeare (the bard's birthday is April 23rd)
I was searching the internet for a local Shakespearean festival (that should be near his birthday, shouldn't it?) but never did find anything.  I stumbled on this plate at an antiques mall and came back the next day with my camera!

something to mark St. George's Day (also April 23rd)
Do you know, I actually know some St. Georges.  I could not figure out exactly what would represent St. George's Day, as I had never heard of it.  I had permission to post pictures of my friends the St. Georges, but then I saw some St. George's Day pictures on the Flickr blog and they all had red crosses.  I was at a festival a couple of weeks ago and noticed this flag inside the door of a bar.  The waitress there thought it was hilarious that I was taking pictures of the bar.  I never did figure out what was so funny, I take pictures of almost everything!

And there you have it, my take on the April list, complete with descriptions that could be short but indeed are often long.

If you want to join in this month, the June list has just been posted at Postcards from the P. P., at the very bottom of the post.  If you stop by, you can see Kathy's pictures for May.  You can also see the whole Flickr group by clicking here.  I'll bee back shortly with my own results for May!


  1. Great pictures. All unique. The hunt looks like fun! :)

  2. Again, they just keep getting better and better. I absolutely love the photo of the church and the reflection in the water. That should be entered in a show. Just beautiful. Good job again Karen

  3. My husbands co-worker had her wedding up at the stone church in allenspark. it is very idyllic inside!

  4. Yay! I LOVE your monthly photos -- they're always so fantastic. LOVE the crosses. And the church. And...well, ALL of them. Most of all, I love that you saw something that would work and then went back the next day -- that's something I would do too. I so wish we lived near each other -- we could go out foraging for photos together -- and then I could learn lots from you! ;-) I'm late for May -- it has some tough ones!

  5. The cross picture is fab...I think it is rather original!


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