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2011 Knitting Round-Up: Part 2

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  

Someone told me they were waiting to see the next installment of last year's knitting projects.  Let's see if I can get all my 2011 projects on here before the end of March.  Wouldn't that be nice!

Radian Yoke Sweater

Pattern: Radian Yoke by Wendy Bernard 
Yarn:  Shibui Sock yarn in Chinese Red
Made for: me!

I knit myself the Radian Yoke pullover / tee.  Lace is not always my friend and I kept losing track of stitches, so I ended up ripping and redoing the yoke - probably more than once.  Once I finally decided I could live with it, the rest went quickly.  I like the vents on the sides of the bottom and added them to the sleeves, which I modified.  I haven't worn this much; there are still ends to weave in because I'm not sure I'm not going to frog it, but the pattern was well written and it was fun to knit.

Pinkerton Shawl 

Pattern:  Pinkerton Shawl
Yarn:  Lorna's Laces yarn in Shepherd Multi, color 64 Gold Hill
Made for:  Mrs. P.

Mrs. P. taught all three of my boys.  A few years ago, she had admired my fingerless gloves so I'd made her some for Christmas, and she often tells me how much she likes them.  I wanted to make her something a little bigger, a thank you for taking good care of all my boys.  In the end, the project was a bit more in the coral family than I would have liked but it turned out well and it fits her personality.  Again, she has told me often how much she likes it. That always makes it worthwhile when someone appreciates the work I put into it!

Sea Star

Pattern:  Sea Star by Hansi Singh from her book, Amigurumi Knits
Yarn:  Lily Sugar N' Cream
Made for:  the Cutest Baby in the world

I made this just for fun.  My sister likes things from the sea, and I knew she was having a girl, so I thought a little sea star would be a fun little exercise in between bigger projects.  My friend Alecia had given me this book (Amigurumi Knits) and I had yet to break into it so this was my first project from that.

Leonie baby cardigan

Pattern: Leonie by Dani Sunshine
Yarn:  Shibui Sock yarn in Chinese Red
Made for:  CB (Cutest Baby), size 6M

I spied this pattern needing test knitters just as the sizes were dwindling.  Luckily there was the perfect size left for the CB (who had not yet been born) to wear at Christmas time.  It's the only time I've caught a pattern in the testing phase that I would want to knit, in the size I would want!  I really would have liked to blog this last year but it was a Christmas present.  It is a well-written, cute little pattern for girls.  If I were to knit it again, I would either use larger buttons and therefore buttonholes, or find a completely different closure; as I was shopping for buttons, I noticed all the packages said, "Not for children under 3."  Ugh.  I did enjoy working with Dani, though.

Yes, I do have a lot of this yarn, don't I.  I traded some work with someone who knows I love red!

the Kraken!

Pattern:  the Kraken by Hansi Singh (same book)
Yarn:  leftover sock yarn
Made for:  Zoom

My other two boys have little creatures I've made at various times, and I knew this kid would be a teensy bit homesick when he went to Cousins Camp, so I made him a Kraken, also from Amigurumi Knits.  The pattern has eyes, I still have not added those.  However, the Kraken is well-loved without them.

On the way down to see my sister and her new baby, I made one of those baby hammock photo props.  Did not work.  I'm not going to post any more about it but it took half the car ride.  The other half of the car ride, I made this:

Addie Hatty
6695 pink hat on the cutest baby in the world

Pattern:  my own, and I didn't write it down, sorry
Yarn:  leftover Debbie Bliss tweed
Made for:  well obviously the Cutest Baby in the world!

Made on the drive from Colorado down to see my sister; I didn't have a pattern, sort of winged it by the head size at birth.  When we got there, I was kind of disgusted at the hammock, and then this was way too big! She quickly grew into it and I hear she gets many compliments on it!

Clearance Bin Mitts

Pattern:  my own and I did write it down
Yarn:  Jo Sharp Silkroad
Made for:  me, and I really appreciate all the work I put into them

I knitted some mittens for my friend Amber a couple of Christmases ago.  I loved this yarn and went back to buy more for some future mittens for me.  I LOVE these mittens, they are so soft, so warm.  I wore them on our annual Christmas tree hunt; by the time I got back to the car, my hands were the only part of me that was warm.  Handknits are THE BEST! Planning ahead: totally worth it!

Addison Hat
Pattern:  Addison Hat by me!
Yarn:  Cascade 220
Made for:  pattern sample

I wrote this pattern for the Beginning Knitting class I teach.  It's a pretty basic stockinette hat but includes lots of teachable moments, including eyelets, i-cord, and slip-stitch colorwork.  My sporting sister got up early, in summer heat, to wear my wool jacket and hat despite having recently given birth.  So I named it after someone special to her!  After writing it in the round, I was asked to write it as a flat pattern as well.  I did that, but the only reason you'd want to knit it flat is if you didn't want to invest in circular needles.  And that's just crazy!

3x1 Scarf
7986 3x1 with skull

Pattern:  mine, and you don't really need one
Yarn:  Misti Alpaca
Made for:  fun, then Max

I needed something to keep my mind and hands busy while I waited for hours in line, with friends, for the last installment of the Harry Potter movies.  I just knit a 3x1 rib pattern.  I was standing in line with Max, who asked what I was making.  When I explained that I could not waste that much time when I could be knitting, he said he would like it, so I finished it for him.  By the way, Max is considerably more attractive than my model, but I saved it for a Christmas surprise, so I didn't get a picture of him.

Okay, I'm going to wrap up this post and next time will show you some of the fun Fall projects I knit last year!  Thanks for reading!


  1. And just think it wasn't that long ago that you had never knitted at all! Your work is gorgeous, Karen - and that includes the photos!

  2. Wow! I cannot believe you made all that! That shawl is simply beautiful. I think I will have to check out that pattern and make one. The yoke sweater is really cute on you. I think red is your color. I also dislike working with lace... Arg! :)

  3. I love your clearance bin mitts...gorgeous!

  4. Wow Karen -- you sure get a LOT of knitting done! I LOVE those mittens with the pretty cables!

  5. the CB loves getting goodies from her Aunt Karen!! :)

  6. Hello sweety, great blog and im following hope you follow me back on

  7. Gorgeous project! What more can I say! Wow! You really keep busy knitting! I've had my hands full knitting my beaded hats for everyone... and the orders keep coming in. Maybe one of these days I'll be able to knit myself the shawl that I bought yarn and pattern for at Stitches! lol


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