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It's Finally Fall!

Fall is here!  The last month here has been crazy busy.  Let's see...  After I went to my mother-in-law's for a visit and some peaches, I spent a week with my cousins here.  I think I mentioned that.  The next week, my LYS and others in the area had a "yarn crawl," otherwise known as a shop hop.  I went to all 21 shops with my bff.  It took us four days - we had to keep coming back by mid afternoon to get all our kids from school, so it took longer than if we'd had some dedicated calender space.  It was a lot of fun.  I had never been to Fabric Bliss but we loved that shop, and loved Aurora.  We also enjoyed Fancy Tiger, though I've been before, and I was tempted to buy some house yarn from Gypsy Wool but we had to stamp and run in order to get the kids.  Again.  There were lots of great shops.  I hear it will become an annual event, I'm happy to say! 
I've also published a new pattern!  The Aisling (ASH-leen) hat is knit from Windy Valley's Majestic Blend - 15% qiviut, 80% superfine merino, 5% silk.  I LOVE hats.  I LOVE cables.  You can get this pattern from their website here.

3631 Aisling Hat

After our week together going shop hopping, my friend Amber and I decided to do some canning.  We went for cucumbers and ended up with a flat each of strawberries, plus some raspberries.  So a couple days later we each had a dozen jars of pickles, and some delicious jams.  That ought to last me awhile on the pbj front. 

This week, I've been editing pictures like crazy, teaching knitting, helping at school.  I'm getting geared up for the final Stitches conference next month in Connecticut.  I'm doing lots of stuff with Windy Valley, my besty, my kids, and of course my wonderful husband.  I hope we have time to get some family pictures when the leaves turn!

What are you up to?


  1. I can only imagine how fun the shop hop was, Karen! Your hat is gorgeous! I'm envious of your pickles, too - they look absolutely delicious, not to mention gorgeous!

  2. I am looking for somewhere to take a crochet lesson. Any ideas? I'm over in Centennial, which, as you know, might as well be Aurora! LOL! I want to have something to work on that is easy to take with me to appointments, etc.. You can't travel with quilting!

    I need to get back into canning. I used to do jams all the time and I love how the house smells when it's cooking.

    Darling hat!!!!!

  3. Busy busy bee. The hat is really pretty - I love the combination of fine yarns and cable detailing.
    I've been playing tourist locally with my Mum who was over visiting. Beautiful time of year here.

  4. Wow -- it sounds like you're swamped! LOVE that hat. And your pickles look pretty darn tasty. I just started a new pair of socks and I've been spending a lot of time with my mom. We made jam this weekend -- Yum!


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