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good things in spring

I'm feeling like I should contribute the sort of beautiful, interesting, positive, crafty things that I'm craving right now.  There was a time that I found regular craft-soul sustenance from the internet, lots of beautiful crafting blogs of gardening, quilting, fiber, and all manner of positivity.  Today, I have to hunt, and I do.  I still have a few blogs I'm hanging on to!  For now, my current projects are about finishing and growing.  

I'm on the last row of my Reclamation Blanket, and considering writing a post about this project.  Are you interested?  

Mending a vintage flag has taken me longer than I anticipated but I'm about two-thirds done with the big gash that was here when I bought it.  I started working on this last year, didn't get far, and hung it back up.  I didn't feel like I did a good job, but the mending I did manage looked better hanging up than I first gave myself credit for, (you can see it to the right of the tear) so I decided to finish.  It's a 48-star flag, and I love that the stars are in rows instead of staggered, as on the 50-star flags.  (Nothing against the last two states, they are all a significant part of our wonderful country!)

Lots of things are growing in the yard, and I hope my lilac blooms survive the cold snap we're currently experiencing.  Super happy I got some onions, snap peas and golden beets in the ground before we got some snow.  

I'm looking forward to more good things over the next several weeks.  What about you?  And what are your favorite blogs to read or find crafty eye-candy??  


  1. I am very interested in a post about your Reclamation Blanket.
    What stitch are you using to mend the flag?
    I too am outside working, getting my hands into the soil. Along with picking up sticks from the heavy winds of late. Still more to plant, waiting to see what is coming up on its own.

  2. Of course! Would love to hear about your reclamation blanket -- it's beautiful! And it looks like you're doing a great job on the flag -- how fun to have a little piece of the past. I haven't done much blog reading -- just the old favorites -- not searching for new ones. Been trying to stay busy with everything around the house -- there's always a LOT to do!


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