I've learned over the years that not every project was worth my time and money. Of course I want to knit all the things, but if I expect to use the knitted item over and over and hey, possibly be warm or fashionable, then I need priorities. Instead of buying so much yarn, I'd rather buy better yarn. And while it would be terrific to knit every color, I'm really not going to wear every color. So here is a piece that I've knitted and loved and loved! (I believe in real community and try to buy yarn from my local yarn shop. But if you can't, I'm linking to lovecrafts because they carry some of my patterns and I couldn't find Juniper Moon's website.) COBBLESTONE TRENCHCOAT Designed by Veera Valimaki, found in November Knits book . Finished in fall, 2015 Originally, I knitted this sweater to showcase new yarn in the shop where I taught. I altered several things, most specifically the pockets and the hood. The hood was based on an idea I...
knitting, photography, gardening, quilting, life