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May days

May was full of flowers bursting open in the garden, mostly purple!  

I'm trying to let my garden rest this year, but I had stocked up on seeds in January and could not resist starting some for pots, so we are growing San Marzano tomatoes, and a couple zucchinis and basil.  We'll see how it goes.  It's always good to learn new things in the garden.  

I'm doing the photo list thing, again.  I'm on a quest for the perfect cloudscape.  In the meantime, finding lots of beautiful scenes with clouds, but not sure I've captured my interpretation of cloudscape yet.  

A little knitting, quite a bit of quilting, and more than enough weeding fill my days; trying to get in some driving lessons, and wishing we'd done a lot more last year when traffic was much lighter - especially in the city.  But we're here this year, and getting through fine.  

Every month has flown by, this year, and my pictures remind me that there are precious sights and memories all around.  We're almost to the halfway point!  I hope you are finding margin in your week! 


  1. Beautiful photos Karen! And indeed, the months fly by, don't they? You're so good to enjoy some of the beauty around you and take some photos -- thanks for the good reminder to take a little time and enjoy what's around us!

  2. Good to read what's happening! Sounds like you have lots of special things going on! Hope you see an amazing cloudscape when you are up here! : )


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