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Awards and Fat Quarters

Thank you, Sara, for the award; I'm passing it on.
Rules: 1. Put logo on your blog. 2. Add a link to the person who awarded you. 3. Nominate seven other blogs. 4. Add links to those blogs.

I am not big on the emails that promise excellent things if you pass it on, and something otherwise if you don't. If you don't want to pass this award on, I'm not going to do anything to you. I do not rule the universe. This is just for fun!

1. Let's start with It's Lovely! I'll Take It! While not a quilty/crafty website, it has its own creative merit. I stumbled across this by chance and spent the next hour laughing with BFJ as we browsed the housing market. Brilliante. Makes my own realty experiences seem less painful.
2. And secondly, I would like to honor my friend, KJ, who always makes me rethink my attitude, and who makes very lovely stationary. I have some. I love it.
3. I always find something inspiring at House on Hill Road.
Caryn - Pieceful Chaos
Anna - ThimbleAnna
6. Erica, - Polka Dot Quilts and
7. Marcie, - Patchalot More, whose quilt blogs are so brilliante that I enjoy reading them regularly!

Shop Hop update: I did find some red, white and blue fabric. One of the quilt stores we stopped at was not on the Hop, but (therefore?) had their own sale: 20% off everything in the store! I asked about r/w/b and the owner showed me "what's left" of this line - five bolts, but luckily I found these two fat quarter tulips in the precut area. Hurray! And actually, I purchased a different fq from this line for my blue and white block exchange, and still have some left. I'm mulling over what pattern to make, now.

I also found some cherries at a brand new quilt store in Idaho Springs, Hen House Quilts and Gifts, as well as a handful of other items for my many WIPs.


  1. Oooh, I love those fabrics -- I've been eying them myself! Thanks so much for the award -- you're a sweetie! And several of those blogs are new to me -- I'll have fun checking them out!

  2. Those are great fabrics! I can't wait to see what becomes of them! We are sweltering here in VA also. And my AC is out again! in my sewing room! Your award truly made my day!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! To answer your question, I don't belong to any local guilds but would be interested if you know of any good ones!
    I went on the shop hop too and I love the fabric you found.

  4. OK, so where did you find the FQ of Red White and Bold? I have only found 5" charm squares. Do I need to go to Denver for it 'cause I go there a lot. Actually way more than I really care to do.

  5. I'm completely honored and flattered. Thank you so much Karen!


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