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Trash or Treasure?

I really want to write about quilting. But being a handpiecer, it may be month or two at least before I have anything new to show. I am going to have dig up some of my "old" projects. Luckily, I just started blogging and most of you haven't seen them! (BFJ keeps grumbling about quilt clamps when I make him hold stuff for photos.)

A few years ago, my grandmother died (someday I'll tell you more about her, she was wonderful), and when she did, I helped clean out the home my grandparents had lived in the last several years. They had box after box, filing cabinets and cupboards, full of this and that. It was really amazing the things they still had, like a "sleigh robe." I didn't even know that it had a specific purpose. It was a really neat, old, heavy, wool blanket. It was not too big, just right for covering legs in a sleigh, with an ornate pattern. I only know it was a sleigh robe because my grandpa told me so; it was from the farm he grew up on. I didn't want to get rid of it, but it was practically disintegrating. Another thing I found in the garage was this old quilt. It's got mud, holes, cobwebs, etc. I think it is really neat, but it needs to be cleaned. I mean, it is so filthy I have it in my own garage. Not because I don't value it but it's no worse off than it has been for the last ten years and is really dirty. Do you have tips for cleaning this? Do you think it is worth keeping? I hope you say yes, because I am going to keep it anyway!

On a different quilting note, you can go here and help Lyn name her beautiful quilt.


  1. So nice to find your blog. I was at Marcie's and saw the nice mention of your blog!! I would definitely keep it...and how wonderful to find treasures that belonged to your grandparents. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!!!

  2. HI Karen,
    I am not sure how you might clean the quilt - I am guessing that you might try vaccuuming it - I am pretty sure you can't wash it because of it being wool. It is always great to have treasures from your grandparents- It is funny the things that we will treasure- when my gran died, I kept three toys that were part of my childhood- there is an old iron ( I saw it on another quilters banner - I was so surprised to see one in much better condition) and a plastic telephone where the ear piece is not attached to the base. The third is a bent up small metal cash register. They all are in pretty sorry condition and worthless to anyone but me; but they were mine at the farm. I treasure them and the memories from my childhood.
    I also have some other nicer things from my gran but in some ways these are the most valuable treasures I have from my gran.
    So keep that quilt and you will find a way to clean it - it is your treasure.

  3. I also found your blog through Marcie. Enjoy it very much. I have a quilt that was made for my great grandmothers trouseau and I fretted and fretted about washing it but I took the advice of a fellow quilter and soaked it in cold water and oxiclean. I was thrilled with the results and would do it again. I let it soak overnight, then rinsed it and towel dried it. I hung it up to finish drying. It was terribly stained when I started but in the end it is a heirloom to treasure now. My quilt was cotton so I'm not sure this would work with wool but it might be worth a try. You could maybe dip one corner in cold water and see how it reacts.
    Cheryl from Ontario Canada

  4. I am not sure how to clean the quilt either, but I would definately keep it. Not only is it probably worth some money, but the sentimental value.

  5. Have you tried taking it to a commercial laudry mat and using one of those new dry cleaning for the dryer? It is worth keeping, no matter what! Also, if it is so old, you might just give it a whirl in the wash on gentle with some Tide. I recently discovered a wool knitted crib blanket my grandmother had made for one of my sons. It was in a box that had been in storage shed in AZ for over 20 years. I was devastated because it had a huge brown stain covering most of it. Tossed it in with Tide and it is whiter than white! You might also contact your local quilt shop!
    I love your blog! Amazing!


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