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Christmas Top Ten

Ah; here we are, warming bellies by the fire. 

Sorry that's blurry, I didn't use a flash because I didn't want to alert them to my presence.  I'm working away on my last handmade Christmas gift, and my last batch of Christmas cards.  It's been snowing since last night, nice and Christmassy, and we've had a fire going this evening. 

What we ended up with for our last host/ess gift was homemade marshmallows.  BFJ made one batch that turned out like this: 

So he made another batch which luckily turned out like this (after cutting):

I am so excited to show you some of the gifts I've made but I guess I can wait a few more days.  I felted my first item this week.  That was nerve-wracking.  I don't know why I waited until the last minute to do that.  I didn't leave myself much margin for error but it turned out very nice. 

Thimbleanna posted her Top Ten favorite things about Christmas and I thought I would do the same, only a little different...

1.   Favorite smell:  fresh cut pine
2.   Favorite song:  Silent Night
3.   Favorite story:  the original
4.   Favorite movie:  White Christmas
5.   Actually I have more than one favorite movie:  A Charlie Brown Christmas
6.   Favorite memory:  being in the house by myself, lights off except for the Christmas lights, Christmas music playing.  (I grew up in the parsonage, so the adults were not far away.) 
7.   Favorite seasonal activity:  going downtown to see The Nutcracker or A Christmas Carol. 
8.   Favorite gift received: a dollhouse my grandpa made
9.   Favorite holiday food:  oh it's so hard to choose; chocolate cookies and green bean casserole (not together) are at the top
10. Favorite thing to do on Christmas:  sit and read/do a puzzle/stitch, by the fire

We're finally getting down to the point where we can start counting the hours instead of the days!  Finally.  I don't think I can keep explaining how many days left, how many days between, whether the white link on the chain is Christmas or Christmas Eve... 


  1. Sounds like you have the perfect holiday going. Looking forward to seeing the handmade gifts. I just have some buttons to sew on. A very merry Christmas.

  2. The marshmallows look like a fun thing to do, - when they turn out :)

    Merry Christmas to you

  3. The marshmallows are odd-looking, but I'll bet they're good! Toast them by that fire!

  4. I LOVE that picture of the boys -- too, too cute! A fantastic top ten list -- I love reading them!


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