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Green Acorns

Someone asked what I am going to do with green acorns; I am going to make some swags and hang them on the mantle! When we switch decor to Christmas stuff, I think I'll hang it out in the shed and see if it lasts awhile. Besides, I think it'll look cute out there.

If you want to try this, some things learned are that it is easier to get the string through a green acorn. Last week, we drilled holes in a brown acorn from last year, and a new green one. The nut inside the brown one was seperated from the shell, and as soon as I pulled the drill bit back out, it turned, and I had to keep drilling back through it til I lucked out and found a hole through it with my needle. This actually took three or four tries. Also, as you can see, the acorns shrink as they dry, but the "hats" don't, so they fall off. You can easily glue them back on with hot glue, I just haven't gotten them all done!

Well, once again, Happy Fall from the five of us :)


  1. That's pretty cool! Can't wait to see it finished. What are you stringing them on?

    Our oak trees didn't put out many acorns this year; maybe because of the drought. I'll probably be able to do this next year.

  2. Cool idea for the acorns! I think they will look great outside too! By the way, I love the little fabric basket. I may have to see if I can make one. And rainy days that can be spent at home are WONDERFUL!


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