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Happy December!

I finally got a good picture of these birds who visit us often. I would put out a bird feeder for them, but apparently they just stop by for worms. It took me awhile to track down what they were, but it helps that they are woodpeckers. We hear them drumming on metal but as far as I know, they have not made any holes, including in the tree. They are Northern Flickers.
It's less than four weeks til Christmas! I guess that is always the case when we get to December, but with Thanksgiving being so late in the month, it seems like Christmas is almost sooner than usual.

I am still working on several gifts. Well really, I am working on one gift, but I have several other projects to work on before Christmas. This weekend, we are going to celebrate my birthday (which is really more than a week away), go cut down a tree, then I am going to an ornament exchange. And the next week is even busier! But I really enjoy all the holiday events - seeing family, making things, lots of baking... I actually thought of having a cookie exchange in January instead of December, but that seems kind of silly. Who would we share them with? I guess it would be just as fun to take to the office, but my office is here so... I suppose I'll just keep everything in December.

And yes, as if all the holiday events are not enough, I have my birthday and my wedding anniversary this month! Of course, one of those was not under my control, but if I had it to do over again, I would probably get married earlier. Like, right after I realized I was dating the man of my dreams, instead of waiting for the wedding of my dreams. Who has those? But then I was just thinking the other day, both of my grandparents' anniversaries were also in December - the 23rd, and the 24th. I know at least one of them was 1941, right after Pearl Harbor was bombed. The 1940s seems like a neat era to me. I love the hat on the cover of this book,
Boutique Knits. I wonder if my grandkids will think the 1990s and early 2000s seemed neat. What will I tell them? Anyway, December: a good month.

Well, back to the present, here's what I'm working on, the
Irene Scarf. I really like the celtic-looking knotwork in the middle, and it is not too difficult. I guess I am going to have to learn to block my knitting!


  1. I love your new header, Karen! And we have Flicker's in our yard as well - ours have orange belly's - really striking! We have an elaborate melange of bird feeders and my birding "life list" list is really growing - hope you're keeping one, too! Cheers!

  2. Love that knit pattern! It looks so complicated--hard to believe you haven't been knitting all that long now!

  3. Wow! The gorgeous header and the gorgeous Irene Scarf. Just amazing!

  4. I can't believe you are making that scarf! I must sign up for classes so I can make beautiful things like that. I am astounded that you have learned to knit so quickly and so well in such a short period of time. It is beautiful!

  5. Well, Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary!

    I have never seen one of those birds, pretty...

    And I love the scarf pattern. Good luck on that!


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