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Oops, no title.

Did you notice I've been absent? We've had some technical difficulties here, and were without technology for a week. My, it was nice; the phone did not ring in the middle of dinner - for eight days!

And now, my first ever give-away, yet not in the traditional sense... I got this from a recently-made friend, Dawn.

{The Rules}
1. Be one of the first THREE (3) bloggers to leave a comment on this post, which then entitles you to a handmade item from me - something crafty or yummy, who knows?!
2. Winners must post this challenge on their blog, meaning that they will Pay It Forward, creating a handmade gift -anything!- for the first 3 bloggers who leave a comment on YOUR post about this giveaway!
3. The gift that you send to your 3 friends can be from any price range and you have 365 days to make/ship your item. This means you should be willing to maintain your blog at least until you receive your gift and have shipped your gifts. And remember: It’s the Spirit and the Thought that Counts!
4. When you receive your gift, please feel free to blog about it, sharing appropriate Linky Love!If you are not one of the Top 3 Commenters on this post, you can still play along. Go ahead and start your own Pay It Forward chain, and encourage your blogging friends to do the same.
REMEMBER... Pay it forward!

Anything I want, and a year to do it. We can all put a little positivity back into the world, can't we?? And I'm going to do one better. I'm going to include the first non-blogging commentor. Unless that's my mom; if she comments, I'll make her something :) and one more non-blogger.

Several people asked about the orange flowers; that's a Black Eyed Susan Vine. It's doing great, and I hope to have a column of flowers in a few months.


  1. Oh, boy. I am up for the challenge of receiving an item from you. They are all so well made. In turn, I will post on my blog and get some folks to gift to. This is fun. I appreciate there is a bit of time to get the gifts off!

  2. I'm just popping in to say good luck on your PIF. I'm not ready to join one again, but I did one over a year ago and I really enjoyed it. Glad your technical difficulties are over!

  3. Oh goody, I'm number three...oop, two because Thimbleanna is opting out!! What fun, Karen!

  4. I hope I'm the first nonblogger. Love your blog, Colorado and the antics of your boys.

  5. This is such a neat challenge! I can't tell if I am number three or not... if I am #3 then I am in!


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