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Grand Day Out - Part I

First, we stopped at Metro State College of Denver, because I had to meet with someone real quick. This was really the "purpose" of the trip, but I know how BFJ likes the city, so I coaxed all my fellas along for the ride. While we waited for the meet-up guy to find us, we enjoyed the architectural details of the campus.

Next, we drove into LoDo for some lunch at Illegal Pete's. We parked a few blocks away, and on the way to our destination, I spotted many quilt designs such as this grating around the trees:

After lunch, we walked a little farther down to the Tattered Cover bookstore, which at one point was "the biggest bookstore west of the Mississippi." I don't know that this is the case anymore, and we were sad to note that the top floor is no longer open. What's so great about this store? It's not the prices; it's the creaky floors and the ripply-glass windows, the wonderful little chairs in Children's Books and everywhere else that invite you to sit and look through a book. And they have an excellent selection of not-your-average magazines. (Below, looking through the ripply glass...)

As you walk into the Tattered Cover, you might note that there's a door several feet above your head. And oddly enough, the same thing occurs across the street! If this caused you to think that perhaps the street level in this part of town has changed since it was originally built, you would be correct.

Next, we went to the Capital Hill area to peruse discs at Wax Trax; BFJ was looking for something in particular, but I don't think he found it. While we were there, we stopped in at FashioNation, and Babysitter's Nightmare (Where The Wild Kids Are), and saw the cutest shoes! Good thing I don't have girls but we were tempted to buy some gifts. I like the tile in front of Wax Trax:

In the alley, I spotted a row of pots on a window ledge. Just about then, it started to sprinkle. Ah, what a nice morning; we decided to head on home.

Suddenly! as we were getting on the highway, I remembered that one of my favorite quilt stores had just gotten in a new shipment of holiday fabric. So I asked BFJ if he wouldn't like a little trip to Golden, and off to Golden we went...


  1. There is something extra-ordinary about the ordinary if one has eyes to see.
    Things like contentment... fabric of life... dignity... God-at-work in His creation and in His children.

  2. Oh - its been so long since I was in Denver - thanks for a lovely tour, Karen! Beautiful pictures!


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