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It Was Bound to Happen

"Uncle Mike" came to visit at my parents' house over Christmas, and being the over six foot person that he is, took the opportunity to change some light bulbs around. Us kids were hanging out in the Blue Room when he did it, and it was not malicious; just where he thought the lights should be. However, it took my parents several days to realize what was going on with the lights in there. Ever since, they've been trying to stick us with the Tiny Bulb.

Now I know why my parents stopped by to visit For No Reason on Tuesday.


  1. Hahaha! That's FUNNY! My sister and I have a similar thing with an ugly mop doll. She turns up when you least expect it and makes you scream!

  2. That is funny, now you have to pass it on to another relative! And keep it going till who knows when!

  3. Hmmmm, didn't take long to find it! : )

  4. Obviously we need to keep this going...forever, but to get Mike would be funny. I have a grand vision of every light in his club being changed. hee hee


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