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Snow Day

Thank you for all your helpful replies earlier this week.  I am happy to report we do not have bugs of any sort.  We ended up taking Zoom to the doctor and she said it is hives or a rash.  Although, why he has hives, we have yet to find out.  She said the number one reason for red bumps is strep so he was tested for strep and found negative.  He is now on Benedryl, which will hopefully do the trick.  As the doctor said, as long as we can get rid of it, that's what matters. 

Today is a snow day!  It started snowing late last night, continued through the night, and we are expecting more.  Personally, I'm glad to have the day with everyone at home feeling extra-lucky to be home instead of school, but it seems kind of silly to have a snow day when we only have a couple of blocks to school.  I guess the teachers have to drive farther.  We got a call at 5:30 a.m. that school was cancelled.  I understand some people are already on their way out to work at that hour, but really?  I think the majority of us could have waited one more hour to get the call.  I was dreaming and luckily Monk had already told me who the killer was, but when the phone started ringing I was saying, "I didn't set the alarm for this!"  (I'm glad I didn't dream about zombies, as we watched 28 Days Later last night. If you like zombies, it's a good movie.)  I struggled back to reality by the fourth ring to get the call.  When I came back to bed I said, "That's the worst wake-up I've had in a long time."  BFJ replied, "I could just give you a good shove out of bed later."  Then we were giggling and I'm glad the kids didn't wake up at that hour!  Of course, they did get up at 6:45.  Of course.   

Considering they have a free schedule for the day, the kids are playing together pretty well.  Thank goodness; if I have to intervene, they are all going out in the snow.  BFJ is working on some Halloween papier mache, and I am going to work on some costume bits, myself.  I also am hoping to get some work done on my Halloween quilt.  Today would be a good day to have that to snuggle up with, wouldn't it? 


  1. Oooo, I'm working on papier mache hands--what is your other half working on?

  2. Well, at least it's not bugs. As for the hives... good luck with that LOL! My youngest (now 22) has had a lifetime of mysterious hives. When he was just a little guy, the babysitter and I would have lengthy conversations trying to figure out what had changed in his diet/laundry/anything to cause the hives. We never could come up with a thing. There seemed to be a lull in the hive action during his middle/high school years (they didn't stop completely, only maybe once or twice during all those years) but in the last few years he's had several occurences. And since he was at Vanderbilt and they have an excellent research hospital, he went through all sorts of tests but...nothing. They couldn't figure it out either. I've always wondered if maybe it's some sort of low level virus that lives in him and just decided to surface every now and then -- sort of like herpes or shingles or something like that?

    Anyway, I hope your little guy won't have it happen again!


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