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Showing posts from May, 2010

Memorial Day

In honor of our fallen countrymen.

For Candace

One Board Short

Delicate Blossoms of Egg White and Sugar

It's a special day at our house and one of my children requested " those triangle things " and luckily we were able to figure out what he was talking about.   They're hollow:  I made a batch of bigger ones this morning for school and then more minis because I knew one would not be enough and we would all want more tonight! It looks like I am messy with the chocolate, huh?  Well, that's because I am.  PS The link on my other post does not help.  Just type "meringue" into your favorite search engine.

The Goings On At Our Place

Can you tell I love this thing??  I mean, for my initial investment of eight or ten bucks and the time it took to find a good spot and plant it, this plant just fascinates me beyond what I can express.  The picture below is from last Friday, and the picture on my header is from yesterday.  Four days, different color, different shape...  I wish I had ten.  I like it so much, I bought and planted two more, although they are not gigantum s, therefore not as big, and are not yet blooming but they do have buds.  We'll see what happens when they decide to bust out.    My lilac bush only has this one branch of blooms; much better than none.  It had two but I cut one off when we had a late frost and thought I would enjoy at least one if the other froze.  Luckily, it didn't.  I think this plant has doubled its size every year.  I will therefore assume that it will be even nicer next year.  Some of the things keeping us busy ar...

From the Garden

Day in Denver

I spent the day with two of my boys, and a couple other kids, at the Day in Denver field trip.  There was lots of walking and we spent most of our time having lunch and at the Capitol building.  (Above, the inside of the dome.)  Despite the fact that the Senate session was closed, we met a senator in the elevator.  Since we had such a small group, we wandered around on our own, and a nice person let us go out on the balcony!  I was thrilled to realize I had spent most of the day walking around with my shirt buttoned wrong.  Ugh.  The woman who took us out on the balcony took a picture of our group out there and it's REALLY obvious that my shirt's crooked!  View from the balcony: We were the only people at Union Station besides a couple of employees.  Maybe someday we'll take a train...  At the end of the day we stopped at a fountain to cool our feet, and The Bruise learned a new phrase, "my dogs...

Flowers from the Garden

Lilacs from what was my mother-in-law's yard, now my sister-in-law.  I hinted to my SIL that I'd take some lilacs off her hands, and the next day she brought me some in a vase.  They've been in my kitchen where I spend a lot of my day; the scent is so intoxicating.  I imagine I live in the country.    Brunnera from the north northwest side of the house.  I planted it last year and it looks so nice with very little help from me.  Purple things from my yard:  lilacs (notice how they're different than the ones above - love that there's variety!), scabiosa I just planted and chives, they're such troopers. I'm hoping we are done with freeze and frost for the year.  Besides the garden wishing, my car window just broke - in the down position.  

Find of the Month

A reveal from yesterday's sneak peek: Audrey guessed correctly, it is a clothespin bag!  When I spotted this fabric last week, I remembered a project I had torn out of Martha's Living awhile back - July 2002's Find of the Month.  I made these for my mom and mother-in-law for Mother's Day since they both use their clotheslines.  They both have the blue flowers on the outside; one has blue polka dots on the inside and the other with yellow polka dots.  I thought they'd be fun little gifts, and they were fun to make!  I couldn't find a link, apparently the M.S. archives don't go back that far, so luckily I easily found this in my crafts-for-someday file.  I took a picture of the project info for you so you can make your own.  It wasn't easy to find the clothesline hook in the big orange and blue store but it was quickly found in my small local hardware store.  I reinforced the corners of the fabric (under the hook) wi...

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful moms out there.  I am blessed to have grown up, and continue to be, surrounded by many wonderful, fun moms.  At the top of the list is my own loving mom who, among many talents and good qualities, is the kindest person I know. ~~~~~~~~ When next I stop by, I'll show you what I did with some of my fabrics from the last post but in the meantime, here's a sneak peek.