Can you tell I love this thing?? I mean, for my initial investment of eight or ten bucks and the time it took to find a good spot and plant it, this plant just fascinates me beyond what I can express. The picture below is from last Friday, and the picture on my header is from yesterday. Four days, different color, different shape... I wish I had ten. I like it so much, I bought and planted two more, although they are not gigantum s, therefore not as big, and are not yet blooming but they do have buds. We'll see what happens when they decide to bust out. My lilac bush only has this one branch of blooms; much better than none. It had two but I cut one off when we had a late frost and thought I would enjoy at least one if the other froze. Luckily, it didn't. I think this plant has doubled its size every year. I will therefore assume that it will be even nicer next year. Some of the things keeping us busy ar...