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The Goings On At Our Place

Can you tell I love this thing??  I mean, for my initial investment of eight or ten bucks and the time it took to find a good spot and plant it, this plant just fascinates me beyond what I can express.  The picture below is from last Friday, and the picture on my header is from yesterday.  Four days, different color, different shape...  I wish I had ten.  I like it so much, I bought and planted two more, although they are not gigantums, therefore not as big, and are not yet blooming but they do have buds.  We'll see what happens when they decide to bust out. 

My lilac bush only has this one branch of blooms; much better than none.  It had two but I cut one off when we had a late frost and thought I would enjoy at least one if the other froze.  Luckily, it didn't.  I think this plant has doubled its size every year.  I will therefore assume that it will be even nicer next year. 

Some of the things keeping us busy around here are outside.  We took this spot of our yard, which always gets scorched, and are turning it into our garden.  Last year's spot was much too shady, the peppers and tomatoes did not produce well.  Here's a Before shot: 

Here is about where we are at now.  Plotted, dug, turned - all by hand, and posts notched.  I have done almost none of the work which I find so funny because the person doing all the work cares nothing for gardening.  I guess he is counting on some fantastic pickles and beans being canned this summer.  Or maybe he just really loves me.  We are planning to put up chickenwire and a gate.  We were thinking raised beds but maybe next year.  I have little seedlings growing brittle waiting for their new home.  It has just taken "us" a lot of time in between everything else, especially since one of "us" is not doing much on this project. 

I caught completely up on Lost in time to watch the finale on TV.  Although, I can't say I watched it all, there was a lot of knitting going on.  All I can say is, Really?  REALLY?  After all the natural law bending - the time travel, the island-moving, the smoke monster...  That's it?  Well, I did get a lot of knitting done. 

Here's a sneak peek at something I've been working on and am happily finished with.  I didn't realized how nerve wracking it was going to be, but I did it!  And I'm sorry to say, that's all I can tell you for now.  More later, definitely.  I just didn't want you to think I am not accomplishing anything!  I've done loads of other things but they aren't all interesting.  Oh, I finished my term on the PTA Board!  I think that deserves a celebration, but I don't have time right now.  If one thing gets crossed off the list, surely two more will be added. 

For now, I still have one more knitting project to finish this month, and a whole house to clean and "summer up" before the weekend. 


  1. Good Morning
    I love the progress you are making. I just thought I would tell you about my friend's flower (allium?) the same as yours. she planted one humungeous of the gigantus variety bulb last year and this year it has sprouted up three shoots and flowers. She's very excited about it as well. I'm off in search of trying to buy a bulb for my garden too. Happy Gardening!

  2. Love that green! You are very busy, glad you had time for knitting last night. Such a neat flower on your blog. I have a very full lilac tree. I should bring some in!

  3. How absolutely beautiful! One of these days I'll put a lilac somewhere. So many plans, so little time...

    We watched 4-5 episodes when Lost went to Sci-Fi channel, but then realized how many years behind we were, and gave it up. Now I'm glad we did. I hate unsatisfactory endings to shows.

    I didn't plant a vegetable garden this year, not even a lasagna one, because the best sunny space I have is in the front yard and I'm not ready to tear it up. I may plant some peppers in a large container, and I'm planting upside down tomatoes, but that's it for veggies this year, anyway.

    Yours looks huge!

  4. Hi Karen, looks kind of like a giant chive.. Your garden area looks great and your plants are going to be so happy to get their "feet" in the soil. I tried something new this year ~ strawberries and my sweetie is going to build me a little raised bed for them. Love your knitting and can't wait to see it all! Hope your "summer up" is going well.


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