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A Shadow

Thank you for all the compliments on my photos and my subjects from the last two posts!

March was a crazy month.  I will just spare the details but suffice it to say that I did not get done what I would have liked, including a birthday book, anything St. Patrick's Day, seed starting, sewing, and the March Photo Scavenger Hunt.  I commented on Anna's set, and she replied, encouraging me to do the hunt anyway.  I decided she was right, I should do them.  I am working on both March and April this month.  As we found in February, this has been a fun family activity.  One of the items for March was a shadow, so all five of us collaborated on this set.  Which do you like best??  Seriously; tell me.  I just can't decide! 




This reminds me. If I can go so far as to say my photographs are art, as we all know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and just deciding what you like qualifies you to vote. I have heard people say they don't understand why millions more people vote on American Idol than our real political elections. I think everyone should vote at the real elections, but obviously many feel so overwhelmed by the weight of our pencil marks for the people writing our country's history; as opposed to the winning singer. And then, yes, some are just lazy.  This is just a fun vote, okay?  I'll post the winner to my final March flickr set but no pressure, the others will remain in my hard drive!


  1. I really like the first and the fourth one. I love how silly the first one is, and the last one is great because of the hands. I immediately thought these would be great if you made a stencil out of them and then painted them on a large canvas. Wouldn't that make great wall are?

  2. Hard to single one out, I like them each for different reasons... I will say 3 or C.

  3. I love these shots -- they're so creative! It's a hard choice, but I'm thinking I like A the best -- I think because it only looks like two people are standing there instead of all of you. Very clever!!!

  4. I like B the best,because it shows 3 kids and a Dad?? They are great Karen,I think of quilting as art too!

  5. These are really fun! It was hard to decide on a favorite, but I think I like photo C the best.

    I love your blog header/background right now :)

  6. B! Sounds like a fun endeavor - nice the whole family can help!

  7. I LOVE these shadows! What great memories. Wouldn't it be fun to print them out - just on regular paper - and give it to the kids to doodle faces & clothes & stuff?!

  8. You did a great job with these. I like c best.

    And good for you on saying no - i'm trying to follow suit!


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