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2011 Knitting Round-Up: Part 1!

I discovered a new pattern the other day, printed it out and was all ready to get started on it this morning, when I discovered that the yarn I'd planned to use did not have enough yardage!!  Argh.  So I pulled out my yarn stash to find something suitable.  I did not find any suitable yarn for the project but I was reminded of all the things I've knit this year (over 30), and that I was going to tell you about them!  I will try to keep all the details brief and we're going to go in chronological order.  (I don't know what happened in February, I guess I was dreaming about my garden!)  If you're not a knitter, you can just skim this one or dream along... 


Pattern: Gull Wing Socks by Chrissy Gardner
Yarn:  Malabrigo Yarn, Sock, Rayon Vert
Made for:  my mom

Additional notes:  I initially knit these for me but I managed to make the foot too long and ended up giving them to my mom.  They're her favorite socks: the yarn is light and the cuff is stretchy.  Worn so much they're now waiting for repair!

Pattern:  Magic Slippers by Caroline Dlugy-Hegwer
Yarn:  left over from the previous sock project
Made for:  cutest baby in the world

Addt'l notes:  These fit the week the baby was born, probably not much longer.

Pattern:  Haruni by Emily Ross
Yarn:  Buffalo Wool, Buffboo (discontinued)
Made for:  Amy
Addt'l notes:  I started this for fun without a recipient in mind.  I wish I'd made it longer.  The color didn't photograph well, but we had a friend visit one day and she loved it, so it became hers!

Pattern:  Baby Kina
Yarn:  Debbie Bliss, Baby Cashmerino
Made for:  the cutest baby in the world
Addt'l notes:  This pattern is from a French website; I had a hard time figuring out how to download it but there are instructions on the Rav pattern page.  Totally worth figuring out, though; really fast, really cute.  Photo by my sister!

Stay tuned for more...


  1. OVER THIRTY,!!! You've been very naughty - holding out on us!!! They're all so pretty, but I especially love those socks!

  2. I like the cutest baby in the world! You have been busy.

  3. Wonderful knitting! Very blessed recipients. Can't wait to see the rest!

  4. Boy you have been busy! Just love those first pretty!

  5. You were very busy! Those are great projects; can't wait to see the rest :)

  6. Hi Karen! It was great meeting you at Stitches today. Your blog is adorable. Can't wait to follow you here!

  7. I love the shawls! And wow! You were feeling very generous to give away that lacy Haruni by Emily Ross! Lucky friend you have!


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