Last year, I made some effort (not thoroughly successful) to capture state-of-the-garden pictures every month, including panoramas stitched together on Photoshop, in order to get the whole view of what's happening. So here's a little recap of the garden in 2023! early March April May June August It appears that I missed July, and either didn't take or didn't save this project in September, although we didn't have a killing frost very late into the season - we were still harvesting a few things in October. As much as I loved the lettuce that was growing in the tunnel, and getting an early start on a few things, I'm not a fan of plastic anywhere, especially in my garden, so I am looking at options - cold boxes with old windows, etc. I'm planning to start my 2024 garden this month - pea planting, planning, and seed starting in March! What are you planting?
knitting, photography, gardening, quilting, life
Is it working? Send suggestions! I've been trying to establish some sort of schedule and it's not working -- I feel like I'm here, there and everywhere all the time! Your knitting is beautiful - are you making it from stash yarns?
ReplyDeleteI love this idea! Beautiful knitting. Please write more on this "lie low".
ReplyDeleteWOW, I have been going back through your blog and found a post on The Denver Bread Co. OMG, we are coming down to Denver to find this place, it looks amazing! Thanks
ReplyDeleteThis afghan is stunning. Did you create the pattern?
ReplyDeleteHow did the lying low go for January?