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Give Me a Break

Oh wait, I am taking one. I am not a person who has a problem saying, No! Not to other people. On the other hand, I find many a project for myself. Did I really need to add knitting? No! No, I did not. But I tell you, I have met the most wonderful people, and wrapped my hands in the most wonderful yarns... I really am glad I'm A Knitter.

But actually, I am taking a break from EVERYTHING. Tomorrow, I am having surgery. If you know me personally, you probably think I work this into every conversation possible, lately. It's not that I want to talk about it, but my fear and horror compels me to bring it up ad nauseum. Oh, it's minor; minor. It's oral surgery. But the dentist... I think there's no more appropriate horror film poster than
this one. With all these human cells that miraculously regenerate, why not teeth!???

My wonderful husband has taken a couple of days off of work to man the house. (No pun intended.) BFJ can cook, clean, do laundry, read stories, the works. And I don't mean frozen-pizza-and-pbjs cook. I know, I am a lucky girl; I make him hats and quilts to compensate him. (This is not to say that he has never shrunk a dress I borrowed from a friend, but I am not going to have to hire a nanny. Although, Nana is also coming for the day.) So I plan on being a big baby for the next four days, and you may not hear from me. And I have not posted lately because I have been trying to get all my October Things done in one week, so that I can spend the rest of the month crying on the couch and reading and watching HGTV. But hopefully I won't have to. And if you're a pray-er, I would be happy for your prayers. I really do not want to go tomorrow. In fact, if you have a time machine, I would also be happy to skip ahead a few days. Or at least 15 hours. I think BFJ knows how freaked out I am; he is ignoring my lack of housekeeping. Or maybe he knows that, while I'm out of it, he can do everything his way.

Before I go, a few more things:

  • I still haven't gotten a picture of the second hat on the model. One of these days.

  • We had a killing frost over the weekend. Luckily, I went out in the rainy sleet and stripped my pepper and tomato plants JUST before they froze, and have a nice little harvest. I was just hoping everything would last for Picture Day, and it did. We had little ears of corn that Speed had planted. Maybe next year, we won't plant it under the tree! I dug up my basil and rosemary. Somehow, I just cannot keep basil alive in a pot.

  • And now I can dream about next year's garden.

  • And I joind the Holiday KALCAL. And you can, too! but only til October 31, so go now.

Okay, that's all for now.

Oh, one more thing. I forgot to post about what I sent Candace, and I think I said I would. But she said she's going to blog about it, so read her blog while I'm out!


  1. Loads of prayers, sympathies and good wishes coming your way from the ultimate dental-phobe! I can SO identify with your reluctance.

    Hope your recovery is uneventful and quick!

  2. May your surgery be quick and painless and your recovery easy and relaxing. I understand the fear of the dentist -- it makes me a little more okay with the fact I don't have insurance (oh darn, can't afford to go...) Make sure my brother takes good care of you and lets you have lots of naps. I'm convinced there is nothing a little afternoon nap can't cure. All my best wishes, prayers, and love. <3

  3. I'm sending a big cyber-hug your way, Karen! I'm sure you will need lots! And thanks again for the notecards - I just love them! Take care.

  4. I hope that all went well with your dental surgery and that you are on the mend soon... (((hugs)))


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