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I understand when you work M-F, 8-5, Mondays are not the best. But since I sort of "work" for myself, I usually enjoy Mondays, getting back to the routine of things. After a nap with The Bruise, we went to school to pick up Speed, and then drove around the area taking pictures of trees. It isn't always easy to capture on film what you see with your eye, but we got some nice shots. This tree, I hear, is one of the largest Shumacher Oaks in Colorado.

Obviously, I made it through the surgery. I will spare you the details but I appreciate all your prayers and cyberhugs. A LOT. Just as my face is beginning to look normal, shape-wise, it is also beginning to turn green. Perhaps I should dress as Fiona for Halloween.

This is my last week of knitting classes. I am sad to be losing this girltime, but I am ready to jump off into the world of knitting! I am SO glad I took a class, made friends, learned some stuff right up front. I wish I had done this with quilting, ten years ago. I spent two days on the couch, watching TV, and doing a little knitting. Since Thursday, I have made three hats. One needs to be mattress-stitched, which we are learning tonight. The other two were knit in the round. I have started a third little hat, which I am going to just make up as I go! It's a good thing I have so many little friends with cold heads. Here's the strawberry hat for my niece:

And here, finally, is BFJ's hat. He thought, for some reason, that he should only show the top of his head, so ducked down behind the stack of pumpkins. Taylor the Dog dived right in for a big lick.

I need to get back to things: a few more baskets, a pink & brown quilt, stockings, and maybe some laundry.

I'm just glad to be alive!


  1. Love that cute little strawberry hat! How clever!

    Your shot of the tree is gorgeous!

    Glad you're feeling well enough to be out and about again.

  2. All right, I am going to learn how to knit. Would you send me the name of the place that you went, since they obviously rock? I just bought a pumpkin hat for my niece, and now, thanks to you, she is going to need a strawberry hat too! It is so cute! I am glad you are feeling better and on my way home I was noticing all the beautiful trees today. They are really changing now.

  3. Karen - so glad you're up and about! The pumpkins are to die for - I love the one with the twisted stem! Looks like you've knitted all your life - who would know you're a beginner! Can't wait to see your own creation! Cheers!

  4. I'm glad you did so well with the surgery. I love the trees, especially the red & green in the last blog! You've never started with the plain & simple when you've learned a new skill, but always something hard & special - your first quilt with tiny pieces, your first cross-stitch very complicated, and now wonderful knitted hats your first few weeks!
    Wow, I'm impressed!! Great job!


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