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This and That

We've had a weird growing season here in the Metro Denver area. Lots of rain - bonus! Not a lot of sunny - bummer. Finally, I found a red tomato in my yard. How delicious was it?!!? Only the dog knows. That's not a metaphor; luckily I took a picture of it a few days ago.

A generous woman at church invited the boys and me to her home this week. What is the definition of a farm? She grows A LOTof her own veggies and cans most of it, but it's all for her own family. She showed me how to use a pressure cooker, and gave us free access to her green beans and corn. We canned a batch of beans at her house, and a batch of beans at mine, and then I did the last few jars by myself. It is fulfilling to be a little more self-reliant and know that we don't lean so hard on the big machine of society. (Why isn't it called "jarring?")

Oh! I had the most aggravating time yesterday, trying to find school supplies. Apparently I was the nincompoop, waiting until I needed something to buy it. I was informed at the second store, which was completely out of Elmer's glue, that they had put everything on clearance to make room for the holiday stuff. Silly me. By the fourth store, I gave up. Luckily, we pieced most of the list together, but I still have a few things to track down.

Now that school has started, I am looking forward to a little peace and quiet. I am still working on Christmas items, and pleased to be (almost) done with my first of the three PIFs from May. I didn't want to wait a year, so I'm working on them a bit at a time. I'm planning to meet up with Audrey this weekend, and will show you later what I made. (Judy and Cheryl, I haven't forgotten about you!)

I hope you're all enjoying the end of "summer"!


  1. Looking forward to seeing you! What are you still looking for on your list? I have been stocking up on supplies while they were on sale this summer...

  2. Sounds like our weather has been much the same as yours this year -- everyone's complaining about how slow the tomatoes are to turn red. Sounds like you had fun canning -- I love doing that, although I don't do it anymore really. Should start again! Thanks for the Jarring chuckle! Indeed!

  3. Hah - I hope the dog really loved that tomato! What a fun day on the farm, Karen! You'll be so happy you've learned to use the pressure cooker - I absolutely love mine! Seems school starts early in your neck of the woods - enjoy your solace!


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