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Hat and Butterflies

Hello out there!  I am still swimming through Christmas projects.  I have had to eliminate some in order to enjoy the season.  I am putting those off for next year; something to do in January.  In the meantime, I can't remember if I've ever posted about this but I designed my own hat!  I made it last January when I was working at the stock show and needed something to keep my head warm on the way too and from the car.  I had only been knitting three months so maybe I should call this my Beginner's Luck Hat.  I won't, though.  I love this hat, it is so warm, and I love cables, but it does look like it could use a little blocking.  One day soon I'm going to publish the pattern! 

And since we're discussing me, I'm a year older this week.  Happy Birthday to me!  I'm not one of those people that hates birthdays.  Even if I accomplished nothing in the past year, I'm still alive so therefore have all the potential in the world to do something Incredible the very next minute from now.  You just never know.  

As previously mentioned, I made two of these little Whirligig Shrugs; here's the second.  I hope the mommy's not reading this but I'm going to risk it.  I made this for my one and only niece.  You can't believe how hard it was to find an outfit that complimented this AND matched.  I was looking for red but apparently red was not The Thing the month I was looking.  (I should have waited until December, of course.)  I embroidered a little butterfly on the sleeve of the shrug to match the pants pocket.  I love the way it came out if I say so myself. 

Pattern:  Whirligig Shrug by Stephanie Japel
from Interweave Knits Weekend
Yarn:  Cottonease


  1. Very, very cute! Both items. The hat looks nice and cozy. And the shrug -- makes me wish I had a little girl to make one for -- it's adorable. Great job on the butterfly too!

  2. Love the hat! Great job on it. I love cables too. I would definitely buy a pattern if you sold them.

    What lovely embroidery. I just love how it ties the outfit together.

  3. Happy Birthday to you! I'll be a year older next week and I hear you about being happy with your potential. May the coming year bring you health, happiness and lots of 'making' time. You look super cute in your cable hat and that shrug is adorable - i need to take a look at the pattern to see if I can size it up for my daughter. Have a great week!


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