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O Christmas Tree

Today, we went up to the mountains with Nana, Grandpa, two aunts, two uncles, two cousins, and cut down some Christmas trees.  The forest is full of pines and aspens but what I really wanted was a fir.  I had just about given up finding one when I heard my dear loving husband had spotted one and was awaiting my approval.  As I was headed toward him I heard the WHACK of the axe and knew the decision had been made.  He told me later that someone else was hovering, waiting to see if he was taking it, so he decided to give the man a definitive answer.  Luckily, it was the best tree; I guess he knew what I liked.  As we were loading up our many trees, several different people stopped in the road to ask us where the fir trees were.  It's a very slim tree, narrower than two of the boys at least!  Here's my little helper putting the gold bead garland on, and then all done.  When we were young newlyweds and didn't have a tree topper, BFJ suggested putting a bow on top and a ribbon around it, and we liked it so much we do it every year. 

When I was little, my brother and sister and I always got to sleep out under the Christmas tree the first year it was up.  This is the first year my boys have been big enough to do it!  (Boy, is there a lot of giggling coming from the living room tonight.) 

By the way, the US Forest Service provides this opportunity because it helps the forest.  The trees that remain have a better chance of growing stronger and healthier.  You really have to hunt for the right tree, though! 


  1. How fun! Your tree is beautiful. And what a cool tradition to sleep under the tree. I said to myself, I think I'll do that just for me and then I remembered we aren't going to get a real tree this year -- oh, boohoo. I'll have to remember to do it next year -- or hopefully you'll remind me LOL. I think it's a fantastice tradition!!!

  2. You are always inspiring me! We used to cut our Christmas tree before me moved away from Colorado,(we have been back about 3years after being away 14). Today is the last day to get a permit and if Greg can get out there before it closes we are going to get back into our old tradition.

  3. We all slept by ours the first night...


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